MS / Parkinsons & Alzheimers

Activation of macrophages is an essential in repairing central nervous system

GcMAF, TNF-alpha and Alzheimers

Overproduction of TNF-alpha interrupts synaptic communications in the brain in Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons disease

GcMAF activated macrophages disable TNF-alpha by occupying its receptors.

We’ve now written four papers on these diseases:

American Journal of Immunology. Volume 9, Issue 3. Pages 78-84.
Therapeutic effects of highly purified de-glycosylated GcMAF in the immunotherapy of patients with chronic diseases.
It covers cancer, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology (2013) 118 (Suppl. 2): S143 (P28).
Vitamin D binding protein-derived macrophage activating factor stimulates proliferation and signalling in a human neuronal cell line.
Autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology (2013) 118 (Suppl. 2): S144.
Treatment and Prevention of Cadmium-induced alterations on human neurons.

American Journal of Immunology. Published the 8th November 2013.
Effects of GcMAF on human neurons and ME/CFS treatment.

Neurodegenerative conditions

Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Acute brain traumas, Psychiatric disorders, Brain aging

Activation of macrophages appears to be essential in repairing central nervous system (CNS) lesions, such as those observed in MS.

In fact, monocyte-derived macrophages provide multi-functional contribution in various neurological conditions, ranging from acute traumas to neurodegenerative disorders.

The diverse functions of macrophages are manifested by induction and resolution of inflammation as well as their involvement in neural tissue regeneration and renewal, matrix remodeling and debris clearance (J Pathol. 2012 Sep 24. doi: 10.1002/path.4106)

These recent advances reveal a dramatic therapeutic opportunity for controlled harnessing of macrophages for repair of the damaged CNS following acute assaults, in neurodegenerative conditions, and in psychiatric disorders.
Therefore, activation of macrophages by GcMAF could prove useful in brain regeneration and repair

This leads to the hypothesis that GcMAF would slow the process of brain aging.
In fact, it has been recently proposed that monocyte-derived cells serving multiple roles within the brain have a long term impact on the functional vulnerability of the brain to environmental, physical, age-related, or disease-related assaults (Neurotoxicology. 2012 Mar;33(2):191-206)

We have just one man with Parkinsons whose symptoms dropped by 60% with GcMAF, insufficient data to draw conclusions yet. But it seems GcMAF needs to be taken continually to maintain the results.

This is very new science, and whereas GcMAF, as a part of all healthy people, won’t do any harm, we have as yet little proof this theoretical science works in practice. We understand drinking 4+ pints of water with silica (eg Volvic Spring water) a day to chelate aluminium, and taking himalayan Rock salt, high doses of the B vitamins, particularly B12, and high doses of vitamins C and E together should also help.

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